
Root Canal Therapy: FAQs

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Root Canal Therapy: FAQs

Our teeth are made of three parts: the crown, enamel, and the dentin (gives our teeth their color). Inside the dentin, there is a pulp chamber that houses blood vessels and nerves responsible for sensitivity. The pulp serves a minimal function to mature teeth, but once it’s infected it can cause severe pain, swelling, irritation, and sensitivity.

A root canal treatment is done to remove the infected pulp to save the tooth and keep it from spreading to the nearby tissues. In this post, we answer all the common questions regarding root canal treatment.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is an endodontic treatment used to remove infected soft tissues. During the procedure, the dentist will clean and remove the decay and seal it with a dental filling.

Is the Process Painful?

With modern techniques, the dentist will numb the area with local anesthesia and ease discomfort. Most patients report that they have less anxiety and are comfortable during the procedure.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

A root canal therapy is usually performed in one or two visits depending on the severity of the tooth decay and may involve the following steps:

Dental examination

The dentist will perform x-ray imaging to examine your dental health. Next, they will give you anesthesia and also place a protective sheet over the area to separate the teeth and shield it from saliva.

Teeth cleaning

The dentist will create an opening on the crown and using small instruments, they will clean the pulp and root canal. The tooth is then shaped for the filling and sealed using a rubber-like material and cement.

Fixing of the crown

After the tooth has healed, a permanent crown is fixed to restore the integrity of the teeth. At times, the dentist may use other restorative treatments such as dental implants, but don’t worry, our dentist will discuss with you the available dental options.

Can All My Teeth Be Treated with Root Canal?

Most of your teeth can be treated with a tooth canal. However, the root canal treatment may not be ideal if the positioning of the teeth is impaired, the teeth are fractured, you don’t have enough bone support, or you have severe dental decay. When root canal treatment is not an option, the dentist may perform a tooth extraction or endodontic surgery.

Is It Better to Have Tooth Extraction or Root Canal?

Our goal is to maintain healthy teeth and smile as much as possible, and root canal therapy allows us to do just that. A tooth extraction involved pulling of the teeth and replacing them may result in more dental procedures. Missing teeth could also impact your dental structure by causing the teeth to shift.

What to Expect After Root Canal?

After the procedure, you may experience tooth sensitivity, inflammation, swelling, pain, and have an uneven bite. These symptoms clear after a few days, but if they persist, come visit our dentist for an assessment.

Will I Need Any Special Care After Root Canal?

Yes, protecting your teeth is paramount to prevent any dental infection. Don’t chew or bite the teeth until you get a dental crown or restoration. Remember, an understored tooth is susceptible to fracture. Also, don’t eat until the anesthesia wears off to avoid hurting your tongue, cheeks or lips.

Additionally, eat soft foods that will require little chewing. Plus, avoid hard and hot foods that may hurt your gums.

What Will Happen If I Don’t Get Root Canal?

If a pulp infection or decay is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body. In severe cases, the infection may cause abscess formation. Furthermore, bacterial infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause widespread inflammation.

Waiting too long to have dental decay treated can lead to tooth and bone loss.


Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

When you notice tooth pain, sensitivity, swelling, and irritation, whether you think it’s serious or not, you should come to our dental clinic in West Edmonton, AB. Our expert dental team will determine the dental problem and a suitable course of treatment.


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